Friday, June 1, 2012

In general

The Latvian group has less than three months to make the festival though we've already done a lot, mostly the communication group of ours.
It is because in order for the consumers to buy tickets and come to the festival, they have to hear about the festival first.

Young Active Creative team has made web page, the design is made by a professional.
In the web page it is possible to find news report about the musicians, the latest news from the organizers, how to get to the festival place and also to Ogre where it all will happen.
There is also link to the web page where the tickets are sold and the whole web page can be viewed in Latvian and in English.

The festival has been added to other event calendars and at the moment an informative support is in search from various social internet media.
Few of our organizers have competed in an annual regatta competition but we didn't get the first place though we aren't sad either because we had the ability to take part in this event.
A beautiful flag was made especially for the competition and thanks to the flag many more people noticed our festival.

We are really happy about the booked artists, too. They will come from Lithuania and Estonia like band GREIP!

We'll meet in Ogre in 31. of August!

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